Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pens And Cameras And Whatever You Hvae Ready By Your Side? Good...Now Read On...

Okay, i won't talk much. this blog...called your whiteboard is here for a reason. if you want to write a story, your own diary/journal entry or write peoms or whatever...you can do it here. even if you wanna post picture, be it of yourself or of other people or object or whatever you want, go ahead. you call the shots. this white canvas is here for a reason. just e-mail me at oakley19823@hotmail.com whatever it is you want and i'll pu it up here as soon as i can.

no restrictions. no laws. no anything to stop you. you're free...com'on...what are you afraid of? or are you just lazy? if not, why are you not sending your stuff now.